Executive Board

Alejandro J. Ramos

Alejandro J. Ramos is a second-year MPA Candidate at Cornell University’s Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy, where he serves as a Brooks Public Policy Fellow. Alejandro is deeply passionate about politics and public policy, with a particular focus on education policy. He actively holds five fellowships both within and beyond Cornell’s campus, covering topics from education policy to voting behaviors.

In addition to his role at The Cornell Policy Review, Alejandro is the Executive Director of the Ramos Research Institute, an organization he founded to advance research and dialogue in public policy. His recent publication, “A Path to Informed Democracy: Bridging Civic Engagement and Media Literacy,” has garnered significant attention in academic circles, with six recent academic conference presentations.

Ramos’s commitment to public service is demonstrated through his most recent work consulting with the Town of New Lebanon, NY, focusing on hazard mitigation and flood risk management. His work involves developing mitigation strategies to reduce vulnerabilities and influence local policy through detailed recommendations to the Town Board. 

Alejandro’s academic and professional journey is marked by his dedication to making a meaningful impact on the world. He continues to contribute to academia through his leadership at the Cornell Policy Review and his ongoing research and advocacy efforts.


Managing Editor

Johanna Van Fleet

Johanna Van Fleet is a second-year Master of Public Administration (MPA) student at the Cornell Brooks School of Public Policy, concentrating in Environmental Policy with a certificate in Environmental Finance and Impact Investing (EFII).

Johanna earned a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Psychology and Human Development from Boston College, alongside minors in Environmental Studies and Managing for Social Impact. She is a Graduate Researcher at the Atkinson Center for Sustainability, where she works with the New York Outcomes Fund to support local farmers in the Finger Lakes in implementing regenerative agricultural practices. More recently, Johanna has worked with the Town of New Lebanon, NY to develop hazard mitigation and flood risk management strategies, and Ithaca’s Green New Deal to operationalize Justice50. After working as the Managing Associate in 2023-2024, Johanna looks forward to the year ahead on CPR’s Executive Board!


Content Editor

Caled Al-Adsani

Caled Al-Adsani is a second-year graduate student studying for a MPA in International Development at Cornell University. He graduated from the University of Colorado in 2023 with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations. Caled began his career outside of the academic sphere in electoral politics. Caled has worked as a Congressional Intern for Congressman Neguse and a Campaign Intern for Senator Chris Hanson. In terms of  international experience, Caled has worked with USAID in the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance focusing on evaluations of response mechanisms in Sub-Saharan Africa, and has conducted research expanding healthcare access to rural communities in Ghana. More recently, Caled had a short stint with the Center for Regional Economic Advancement, where Caled engaged local entrepreneurs as a method for development, he is now enjoying his new position with the Department of State.



Public Relations Editor 

Arsh Naseer

Arsh Naseer is a Master of Public Administration fellow (‘25)  at Cornell’s Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy. She is concentrating in Public and Nonprofit Management, and aspires to have a career in Local Government, particularly within the realm of Policy Implementation. During her first year in the MPA program, Arsh worked as the Public Relations Associate at Cornell Policy Review, but has had previous public relations experience through her past internships and her undergraduate career at Stony Brook University. She is beyond excited to be part of the Cornell Policy Review Editorial Board and looks forward to all that is to come this year!




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